





  1. 環境関連法令を遵守し、生物多様性及び水環境の保全、エネルギー使用の効率化、資源の有効活用等を推進する。
  2. 環境の共生と調和を目指した教育研究を行い、持続可能な社会を切り拓く人材を育成する。


     この環境方針は、文書化し、本学の学生、教職員、学生及び本学内の事業活動団体等の関係者に周知するとともに、    一般の人にも広く開示する。?

                                             令和3年 学長裁定



Environmental Philosophy

 Kumamoto University is located within an unmatched environment and climate blessed with lush greenery and clear spring water. We recognize that environmental conservation and the development of a sustainable society are two of the most important issues facing local areas, society, and the world as a whole. In keeping with Kumamoto University’s SDGs Pledge, we strive to conserve the environment in all educational and research activities at the university, and we are working to develop and provide information on our “Eco-Campus” program, a sustainable environmental model made possible through cooperation between the university’s students, faculty, and staff.

Environmental Policy

?Kumamoto University shall:

  1.  Comply with environmental laws and regulations, and work to promote the conservation of biodiversity and aqueous environments, the efficient use of energy, and the effective application of tangible and intangible resources.
  2.  Conduct educational and research activities aimed at achieving co-existence and harmony with the environment, and foster human resources capable of leading the way toward a sustainable society.

    3. Establish environmental goals and work to achieve sustainable environmental improvements in order to realize our “Eco-Campus” model.

    2021 Approved by the President Hisao Ogawa

     This Environmental Policy shall be documented and made known to the students, faculty and staff of the university, and other related parties, including business associations operating on campus, as well as disclosed to the general public.

>Environmental Report


施設企画課 施設?環境マネジメント推進室 環境?エネルギーマネジメント担当
