


This "Handbook for International Students" was published for Kumamoto University international students to have a successful campus life in Kumamoto.

留学生の手引き Handbook for International Students

  1. 熊本大学について(2.4MB)
    About Kumamoto University
  2. 留学生区分と授業料(990KB)
    International Student Classification and Student Fees
  3. 奨学金?免除申請(4.8MB)
    Scholarships/Student Fee Exemption
    • 奨学金  Scholarships
    • 授業料免除  Admission Fee / Tuition Fee Exemption
  4. 日本語プログラム(1.8MB)
    Japanese Language Courses
  5. 渡日後手続き(1.5MB)
    Procedures for Entering and Residing in Japan
  6. 日常生活 (1 - 5) (6 - 10) (11-15
    Daily Life
    1. 国際交流会館  Kumamoto University International House
    2. 学生寄宿舎  Student Dormitory
    3. 民間アパート?市営住宅  Private Housing, Public Housing
    4. 機関保証?留学生住宅総合補償  Institution Endorsement, Comprehensive Renter's Insurance
    5. ゴミの出し方  Garbage
    6. 国民健康保険?国民年金  National Health Insurance / National Pension System
    7. 学生教育研究災害傷害保険(学研災)?その他の保険
      Personal Accident Insurance for Student Pursuing Education and Research / Other Insurance
    8. 留学生後援会?留学生相談窓口
      The Kumamoto University International Student Support Association / Liaison Office for International Students
    9. 病気?ケガ  Sudden Illness or Serious Injury
    10. 自然災害  Natural Disasters
    11. 緊急時  Emergency
    12. インターネット?携帯電話  Internet and Mobile Phone
    13. 交通機関  Transportation
    14. 自転車?自動車?バイクの運転  Bicycle, Car, Motorcycles
    15. 買い物?マナー  Shopping / Manners and Customs
  7. 大学生活(3.9MB)
    Campus Life
    • 学生証  Student ID
    • 履修登録?証明書発行  Course Registration / Certificate Issuance
    • サークル活動?チューター制度  Club Activities / Tutor System
  8. 日本でのアルバイト?就職(2MB)
    Part-Time Job / Job Hunting in Japan
  9. その他VISA?在留資格関係(9.1MB)
    Other Visa and Status of Residence
    • 更新手続?資格外活動許可(アルバイトの許可)  Extension of Period of Stay / Permit for Part-time Employment
    • 在留資格認定証明書交付申請(留学ビザ申請)  Certificate of Eligibility (to apply for "Student" visa)
    • 在留資格変更許可申請  Change of Status
    • 短期滞在?家族滞在ビザ申請  Visa for Visiting or Bringing One's Family
    • 一時帰国?余暇  Temporary Return / Holiday Leave
    • 卒業?帰国時の手続き  Procedures of Leaving Japan and After Graduation
  10. 学内施設(7.2MB)
    • 国際教育課?多言語文化総合教育センター
      International Student Office and College of Cross-Cultural and Multidisciplinary Studies
    • 図書館?コンピューター室  University Libraries / Computer Rooms
    • 保健センター  Health Care Center
    • キャンパスマップ  Campus Map
  11. 学内問い合わせ先一覧(310KB)
    Contact Information of Campus
留学生への情報?連絡  Information and Announcements from the University
★ 掲示板 ??? 1日1回は必ず全学教育棟、国際教育課及び各部局の掲示板を確認しましょう。
The Bulletin Board --- In principle, notices to students will be posted on the bulletin boards of the International Student Office and the faculty offices. Please check on a regular basis so that you will not miss any important information.
★ スケジュール?掲示板システム(SOSEKI) ??? 休講?補講の連絡や大学からのお知らせ、奨学金についてなど大事な情報が発信されます。メールアドレスを登録すると、通知がメールで送られます。
Online Schedule and Bulletin Board System --- Notifications of cancellations and supplements of classes, announcements from the University, information about scholarships will be notified by e-mail to your registered e-mail address.
In addition, we also post various information to international students. Please check the following places frequently.* 全学教育棟2階の国際教育課前の掲示板 The International Student Office (2nd floor of General Education Building)
* 多言語文化総合教育センター掲示板  The Center for International Education
* 国際教育課のFacebook  The